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Top 5 Important Health Benefits from Eating Beets

Healthy Benefits of Eating Beets

There are many studies on the health benefits from eating beets but for years I avoided beets like the plague. Mind you that I had never in my life tried them before deciding to avoid them. I had this impression they were going to taste like dirt and radishes combined. I just didn’t want anything to do with them.

That is until I tried them 10 years ago while doing a Reset. Not only did I fall in love with them, but I felt the health benefits from the inside of consuming them. I had been wrong all those years, and my biggest regret was I couldn’t go back in time to change my uneducated view of them.

Important Health Benefits from Eating Beets That You Can’t Ignore

In this article, we’re going to talk about 5 important health benefits of eating beets for improving your overall health.

Let’s get started…

Top 5 Health Benefits from Eating Beets

1. Very Potent Nutritiously!

Raw Beets are a superfood that is packed with large amounts of vitamins and minerals. They are bursting with so many nutrients it’s unreal. They are also very low in fat and calories and are looked at by many experts as one of the healthiest foods grown today.

In just one 3 to 4 oz average size beet, you can expect to consume substantial amounts of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium which are all necessary for maintaining a healthy diet. In beets, you’ll also find iron and nitrates capable of helping your body’s natural cell function.

2. Brain Health – Helps with thinking and remembering. AKA it improves your headspace.

One of the things I’ve read about from the many health journals and books I’ve read is that as we age our memory and cognitive function can begin to deteriorate. Check out our article Maintaining Fitness As You Age – Embrace the Change for more information on aging and your health.

Have I noticed it as I’ve entered my mid 40’s? To be totally honest no, not really. I attribute this to the help of consuming beets. It’s one of the reasons I still consume them regularly as I attempt to age gracefully. It’s an attempt to keep my brain as healthy as possible.

Tests have proven that those who consume 8 oz or more of beet juice daily have a better chance to be faster in reaction time. Beet juice has also been show to have properties that can increase blood flow to the brain.

Better energy for workouts

3. Better Energy for my Workouts!

Being a healthyish and fit guy for years now, I’ve never really gotten into the “pre-workout” drink phenomenon that so many workout buffs consume daily. Those that drink a cocktail full of chemicals just to get a huge pump to have better workouts. It always seemed hypocritical to me to take something unnatural just to get a better workout.

It became my mission for me to find a healthy alternative that would accomplish the same thing and low and behold I found it in Beet Juice! In about 16 oz of beet juice, I get nitrates and compounds that give me great energy and help speed up my body’s natural energy-making processes! I’ve noticed over the years when compared to workouts where I don’t consume my special blended beet juice that I usually see a drop off around 20 to 25% of my overall performance from a strength and energy standpoint. Beets to me are my X factor when working out!

Reduces Inflammation

4. Reduces Inflammation and reduces joint pain.

As we get older the constant jarring on the joints from weights and intense cardio when we workout is a valid concern. However, I attribute not having too much in the way of issues from these due to my consumption of the beautiful red vegetable Beets.

Beets are proven commodities in fighting and finding relief for those who suffer from inflammation and associated joint pain. Whether you suffer from arthritis or just from daily pounding on the body, the natural properties of beets will help with the pain associated and reduce inflammation.

5. Proven to control and even lower Blood Pressure and Hypertension.

Those aforementioned nitrates above in beets and their properties are also known to help lower the risk of hypertension and to help lower blood pressure in those that consume them regularly. So, in addition to helping with your athletic performance, those same nitrates can help you become healthier in the form of regulating the blood pressure in your body. How cool is that!

Whether you’re working out or just trying to lower your blood pressure, beets can be consumed in multiple ways with little to no effect on the goodness it gives your body. So, whether you want to drink it or eat it up, you’re going to have the same health benefits within.


Be sure to discuss this with your health provider and do your own research for your own lifestyle, but consuming beets or beet juice as shown has so many wonderful health benefits. As a superfood that ranks as one of the most potent antioxidant vegetables, Beets are also in discussion as one of the key foods that help reduce the risk for Cancer. That’s an added 6th benefit right there.

Looking for an easy way to get the health benefits from eating beets without having to process or eat an actual beet. Here’s a supplement you can try.

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