The Awesome Possibility of Positivity!

explore the world of positivity

The idea of remaining positive thru difficult times can be very difficult for many. I mean how can one consider the Possibility of Positivity when it seems everyone and everything is against you? The idea of making it through a simple 24 hours can seem impossible when dealing with depression and difficult times. From a turbulent world at the moment, an ugly social media environment, and a downright gloomy news media perspective, it’s very easy to find excuses to be negative.

The Awesome Possibility of Positivity though is merely but a decision one needs to make to see life thru a different set of glasses. But how do you withstand the huge waves of the current world, let alone being positive about it, while they are coming at you screaming negativity? Here are a few ways I deal with life day in and day out!

Quit playing the victim

Quit Playing the Victim Role!

How many of you have labeled yourself a Victim every day? Be honest with yourself on this. You just wake up assuming the day is going to be loaded with difficulty and the cards are stacked against you? Does that sound familiar? The reality is it’s not! You see, it’s easier to assume the role of a victim during bad times versus taking the responsibility of creating the ending of each day you awake to! I go by the same philosophy and have for over a decade now. The idea of “Winning the Day” is my mantra. It’s my only focus because it allows me to compete against the BS idea that I’m a victim. I love a good competition, so the idea of “Winning” my day is a great way to accomplish and crush my goals list every day and removes me from the mentality that I’m a targeted victim for anything!

Letting go of the victim label will free you from sadness, hate, and resentment which only add to the idea of you in that victim mentality! You have the possibilities every day to take the same 24 hours that we’re given as a gift from above to crush your goals. So, use that time with the expectation to win versus the idea of loss. The Possibility of Positivity will be so much easier when this BS label is removed from you!

Connect with others who inspire you

Connect and Team Up with those who Inspire you Daily.

There’s an old expression, that goes like this…. You are and become the sum average of the information, and the attitude of the people you give your time to. SO, choose wisely who you give that time and energy too! Keeping in mind that spending time with negative people can be draining, and often lands you in a situation where you adopt those habits and mindsets.

I know for me this is something I take very seriously. I simply do my best to always stay inspired to drive me to new adventures and accomplishments. Through the Power of Personal Development (Please see our article on this here on our website) I have spent years shaping my mind to staying positive by surrounding myself with positive influences, and positive actions. Only through those positive relationships can I become the better person I want and desire to be. I often connect daily with people who build me up and make me excited to create, make me motivated to plan not only for what these 24 hours ahead will bring but for days and weeks in advance. Spending and giving time to those who inspire you to make the Possibility of Positivity every day so much more achievable and easier!

Turn off the negative things you watch

Turn OFF the Damn News and Insert Positive Affirmations Instead!

This one important point is huge in creating a positive environment one can thrive in. HUGE! Right now, we live in a world where the gaudiest and most sensational headlines get your attention. Headlines that tout division, death, and yes even FEAR. This has become our mainstream media’s mantra to get viewership and for you to not only read but share it for others to fear! It’s time to simply shut it off! Cut the cord to it and your brain and your Possibility of Positivity increases 10-fold.

Recently I shut off ALL notifications to all news outlets except sports to my phone. No CNN headlines anymore, No FOX news, not even one peep on my device from ABC, CBS, or NBC anymore. I even shut off most of the benign news sources because even they are all about grabbing attention right now versus reporting real “complete” news where all sides are represented. I rarely go on Facebook anymore and when I do I have snoozed or unfollowed so many who choose to live in a perpetual negative news share cycle. Cut those people right off. Instead, I have only those positive influences from my friends list star and be at the top of my news feed! I have created a “specified friends list” stream of positivity to make my brain and heart smile daily. Yes, the occasional negative Nellie gets in from time to time but for me, it’s about moderation versus total avoidance these days.

When you fill your head with nothing but Positivity, it creates a much better and more conducive environment for you to thrive in Positivity! Feeding your Brain Goodness is the point!

Focus on the Positives in life

Focus on the Positives and Give Thanks for Your Life!

No matter how negative you might think things are, there are always some positives you can find in your life. It is our unwillingness to look at them that blind us to the Possibility of Positivity. From your loving family and friends you have, you’re a part of daily wonderful things happening to your kids, and friends without taking the time to see that! There are always things to celebrate daily! Things you should and need to give thanks for!

Take the time and sit down and write out all the good things in your life. Post that list and build from it daily. Make those good things that could be drowned out in the background your new foreground and a springboard for your attitude daily. It’s not always easy to be thankful in the face of harsh realities some days, but focusing on what you do have, instead of what you have lost or don’t have, will put you in a better position to create positivity rather than being in self-pity and a negative filled mindset.

The Awesome Possibility of Positivity

Get Out and Travel! Discover Nature again! Feed your Soul!

Do you even realize how great of an antidepressant Nature can be? Camping, a hike in the woods, a weekend at a friend’s lake house, heck even going for a bike ride, or enjoying a round of golf in the fresh air. These are amazing ways to improve the positivity in your life! Plus, they cost next to nothing to improve your attitude on life and spark creativity every day after! Researchers found that spending time in your favorite outdoor area and nature spot is more relaxing and restorative than time spent in your favorite urban bars or restaurants or shopping districts.

Personally, this is a very big part of my Positivity DNA. I have found that the Possibility of Positivity is so very easy for me when I travel and see the world and also always have a trip on the calendar! It simply makes my heart happy to know I’m connecting with nature and experiencing new cultures and seeing new things and places. One final thought on this point. Of all the things we spend time and money on, nothing is more nurturing to one’s soul and health than nature and traveling. It’s through those mediums that we enrich and set the soul on fire which in turn creates a Positive world in which we see!

Enjoy Life

Conclusion as you search for your Positive You!

You can either choose to let panic feed on your mind, body, and soul and let it grow stronger at the expense of your sanity. Or, you can choose to see your situation in perspective, stay positive, and end the panic then and there and take control of what you feel and live with Purpose!

Much Love!

#Faith #Love #Hope #Positivity

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