The Elite 8 Protein Bars We Love!

Set of different granola bars

It’s no secret that protein has become an important staple of a healthy diet and Protein Bars are perfect for those looking for healthy(ish) snacks while on the go or to curb that craving! Research suggests that protein keeps you feeling full, helps muscle recovery after a workout, can contribute to weight loss, and may even lower blood pressure. All these benefits help explain why Protein Bars have become so popular in the United States.

The great thing is Protein Bars come in a variety of brands and flavors — from chocolate, dark chocolate, almond, vanilla, chocolate peanut butter, oatmeal, and more. Many protein bars boast a good balance of carbs, protein, and healthy fat, making them a great decision for a snack or after-workout recovery calories. Some Protein Bars are higher in sugar while others use sugar alcohols. Overall you just have to find the ones that fit your needs and taste the best to you! That said let’s look at a few of our favorite staples.

Quest Bars – Cookies and Cream Protein Bars

Quest Protein Barsir?t=iswc01 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07J2MM23ZTasting very similar to an Oreo cookie, Quests Cookies and Cream bar has the great taste of a real Oreo cookie without all the sugar and additives. It’s virtually identical in taste! Many other brands have also attempted similar Oreo-type flavors, but they couldn’t quite make this work in my opinion. Add to the taste the muscle-building and fat-burning benefits of a protein supplement, and it’s the ideal snack.

Quest also has a wide variety of other flavors to try as well. Texturally Quest bars may present a problem for some as it’s not your typical crunch protein bar. It’s very chewy and often best when eaten without very much shelf life as they can get hard over time. Our recommendation for the best results is to microwave it for 10-15 seconds to soften it up.

Lenny and Larrys Vegan Protein Cookies – Chocolate Chip Flavor

Lenny & Larry's ProteinThese cookies are of my staples and go-to snacks when I’m trying to eat clean but want a little treat. With great taste and good consistency of crunch and softness, these cookies are very flavorful indeed. The downfall is you have to be very careful because they are higher in calories than other Protein Bars. Matter of fact half of a cookie is equal in calories to what most full bars are on the market. While slightly higher in sugars than I’d like, the cookie overall has a great balance of protein, macronutrients, and are vegan as well.

These Cookies come in many different flavors such as Snickerdoodle, birthday cake, chocolate fudge, and many more. I really like these but remember to just eat half at a time!

Pure Protein – Chocolate Deluxe Flavor

Pure Protein Protein Barsir?t=iswc01 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B001G8Y8VMThe Pure Protein Bars taste great and are a good quick snack based on their low caloric value. My problem with this bar is that each time I purchase them the bar seems to get smaller and smaller. I like sticking one of these in the microwave for 20-30 seconds as it is like a mini fudge cake treat. A very good protein-to-calorie ratio bar with great taste. Another good selling point for these bars is they are very low in refined sugar content at 3g or 4g depending on the flavor.

If they can figure out the shrinking bar size and get consistent in delivering a bar that is the same size every time you open it, I think this bar could be much more popular. This seems to be the biggest downfall of these bars. Great taste and Great snack though!

RX Bars – Chocolate Sea Salt Flavor

RXBAR Whole Food Protein Bar - Chocolate Sea Saltir?t=iswc01 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B01MSVUP54The main love and attraction to the RX bars for me are the few ingredients they are comprised of. If you’re searching for a wholesome, on-the-go snack you can tuck into your gym bag or stow at your office desk, then RXBARs are a solid option. Yes, some flavors are better than others, but I applaud the company’s commitment to ingredient transparency. Our advice? Excluding Mango Pineapple, skip the fruit flavors and opt for the chocolate-based ones instead.  These Protein Bars also fall more into the chewy side of the consistency scale so we wanted to make sure we mentioned that.

Gatorade Bars – Chocolate Chip or Cookies and Cream Flavors

Gatorade Whey Protein Recover Bars - Chocolate Chipir?t=iswc01 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B00T0BUBI6To start this is the first “Crisp” bar I’ve reviewed because of the consistency which resembles a crunchy version of a rice crispy treat. From that perspective, it’s a delicious change from the norm but that is the best part of the bar unfortunately if you’re trying to stay on the semi-healthy side of your nutrition. Based on the ingredients and nutrition profile, I don’t like the Gatorade Whey Protein Bars. Yes, it provides 20 grams of whey protein but that comes at the expense of too much-saturated fat and calories (360cals). In comparison, a Snickers bar is only 240 calories. Yes, the bars taste good but you have to be careful judging a bar only on taste. The fact that you see every major sports logo on it doesn’t mean it’s healthy. A good bar in a pinch but there are better alternatives out there.

Robert Irvine’s Fit Crunch Bar – Carmel Peanut and Chocolate Peanut Butter

FITCRUNCH Protein Bars Designed by Robert Irvineir?t=iswc01 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B074N9SN4NThese awesome bars are in my top 3 to recommend! Great Flavor, solid crunch which I love, and overall a good protein-to-calorie ratio! They do a great job to help you crush and neutralize that sweet tooth while you’re chasing your gains or trying to lose those few pounds! The Fit Crunch bars have very low sugar content too which is surprising with them having so much flavor. These bars are also Gluten-free for those with that preference or a Gluten allergy. Being an avid weight lifter, I’ve found these to give me a great burst of energy too when used as a midafternoon snack either just before or after a workout.

My personal preference is the Carmel Peanut however the Chocolate Peanut butter is a very close second. They do come in a few other flavors so be sure to investigate and choose the one most attractive to you!

Muscle Pharm Combat Crunch – Cookies and Cream Flavor

MusclePharm Combat Crunch Protein Bar Cookies 'N' Cream ir?t=iswc01 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B015X8VGSIAnother very good bar with a good crunch texture and a good chewy consistency when it’s in the mouth. Similar to others reviewed above they also have a very good taste too. These bars are low fat, low sugar; high protein (20g), and relatively high fiber in comparison to most Protein Bars reviewed above. They are not too sweet and are easy to eat. I have a very hectic work schedule and sometimes I don`t have time for lunch so these bars serve as a good meal replacement when needed.

These are delicious and I highly recommend them for any protein bar connoisseur for a delicious low sugar anytime snack or post-workout boost

BEACHBAR by BODi (Formerly Beachbody) – Chocolate Almond Crunch, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Cherry Almond

BEACHBARs by Beachbody

BODi’s (Formerly Beachbody) BEACHBARs have that great Crisp texture that many Protein Bar enthusiasts crave and look for in a healthy snack. Also considering BODi (Formerly Beachbody) is the leading source in Home Health and Fitness workouts, you know these include a much healthier version of protein, carbs, and macronutrients. These are small and the perfect size to help fill that need for a much-needed snack throughout the day which isn’t packed with too many calories.

These snack bars are loaded with 10g protein, and 6g sugar, at just 150 calories. The Chocolate Almond Bar is also a Vegan option for those needing that option in their diet. These snack bars feature real chocolate, nut butter, and protein crisps. The BEACHBAR has an ideal protein-to-calorie ratio in each crispy chewy bite.


No matter what you’re looking for when it comes to Protein Bars there are a virtually unlimited amount of companies that produce them and an almost endless variety of flavors. The playing field is packed and it’s ultra-competitive in the quest for your business. All Protein Bars are not created equal though, as we’ve shown in the reviews above, and can contain fillers, lots of sugars, and other avoidable ingredients. Do your research, read the labels, and find the bar(s) that work for you!

We always love to try new things so if you didn’t see your favorite Protein Bars here, drop it in the comments so we can be sure to check it out for ourselves.

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