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We’re All In This Together

The future for our children

An Emotional Week of Ups and Downs

We’re ALL In This Together! Those words sit a little differently today. If you’ve been watching the news as of late, you’re quite aware of what’s been going on in our country over the last week to several days. Peaceful and inspiring shows of solidarity and protests by day with so many inspirational and hopeful images. Then as darkness falls over our land we see that being upstaged by strategic acts of destruction, looting, and horrific violence against many of the same people wanting a positive change in our world. Destruction, that has nothing to do with the peaceful protests by day. It’s been heartbreaking to watch play out.

Almost all would agree that the acts of those involved in Minnesota on May 25th, 2020 need to be held accountable for their crimes, and from the looks of it, they ALL will be. However, this post isn’t about discussing those events from Minneapolis.  The goal is to discuss the aftermath and what is happening right now as far as how we as a country react and move forward in unity from it. How we come together and heal and become stronger.  In essence, we are arriving at a very important crossroads as a people and this is where for many both hope AND concern reside. In what kind of country and world will our children grow up in after this?

We're all in this together. Coronavirus concept. Boy hold inscription on the board.

“We’re all in this Together” Now Holds Even More Meaning…

As we continue to navigate through a terrible pandemic we’ve often heard the words “we’re all in this together” from the news we watch, the commercials we see, and those spreading hope on social media.  Let me say those words again, “We’re all in this together!” Well, with the new and recent events, that’s never been truer than it is today. If we’re going to combat inequality, it has to be something we all shoulder together, regardless of our skin color. Look, the solutions aren’t easy, but that doesn’t mean we stop trying to give our kids a better and brighter future. We Can’t Stop! 

As parents, children, students, leaders, and a nation we can and must do better to deal with our outrage in a way that is peaceful yet direct and powerful!  We can’t go back and change what happened in Minnesota, but we can start to build a better future through love, faith, and hope through our open honest discussions with our local leadership. A future for our children where everyone feels valued, safe, and empowered. 

The Future Depends on Us!

I’m not sure anyone knows exactly what the future looks like yet, but it has to start with us the people.  We must demand a culture change because we all live and will continue to live amongst one another in diverse neighborhoods and cities. We live in a country with many wonderful and beautiful cultures. We have to start treating each other better and as equals without any pre-judgment. Opening our arms and hearts to each other to learn about one another is how I’ve been taught since my childhood. I’ve never in my years seen a person’s skin color before I’ve seen their heart. It’s my hope we all strive for this way.

We're All In This Together. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Discussion is Key!

I’ve had many conversations over the last several days with friends of all races, and all of them drew many of the same conclusions.  That after those responsible are held accountable, we must do better to come together and heal together. Those conversations were very emotional, and at times very hard, but even though we all may not have all the answers at this moment, we simply can’t all stay silent. 

Again, we’ve heard, “We’re all in this Together” over and over, and now we’re most assuredly going to find out just how much together truly means.

God Bless and let’s come together to all evoke change in our Nation that’s lasting and just for our children, we must! 

#Faith #Love #Hope #Justice #Truth

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